Sustenance Engineering
Commercial software companies focus spending on research and development because
they know that innovative products and services are key to increasing top-line revenue.
They also understand it is equally crucial to focus on their installed customer
base in order to sustain and maintain existing revenue streams through product maintenance
and support. Ultimately, today's software companies are looking for creative ways
to reduce costs in order to increase profitability without jeopardizing the quality
of the products they deliver and service. Outsourcing these areas allows you to
redeploy your personnel to other areas and keep management's attention on how to
grow the business for the future.
BMC Software |
"The joint-development and incentive-based nature of our agreement with Symphony provides a strong advantage in the marketplace for BMC. Our customers will benefit from continued product innovation through co-development with a leading services organization, and BMC will maximize the business performance of selected products that are entering the mature stage of their life-cycle."
Dayon Kane
Director and General Manager,
BMC Legacy Product Business Unit |
Symphony Services can take on the entire Sustaining Engineering process, including:
- Enhancements and bug fixing
- Service packs release and patch tracking
- Forward/backward porting to merge enhancements with the core product development
- Coordination with development teams for future releases
Symphony can also take over the entire Sustaining Engineering role, including the
Product Management function for both individual products and entire product lines.
This is especially beneficial to clients for legacy products.
Level 3 Support
Closely related to Sustaining Engineering is Level 3 Support. When technical issues
get escalated past Level 1 and Level 2 support, certain bug and product enhancement
requests need to get implemented into the product quickly. Symphony can manage the
entire process and provide other related services, such as:
- Scripting assistance (creation and troubleshooting)
- Assistance during customer migrations to new releases
- Documentation of known solutions for inclusion in knowledge repository
- Performance testing of customer situations
- Support for multiple customer versions, including multi-lingual versions